Leica Summicron-M 35mm f/2 Ver.1 Silver 8-element Germany
Leica Summicron-M 35mm f/2 Ver.1 Silver 8-element Germany
100%: 全新貨品
100%: 新品,從來沒有使用過,原包裝整全,但廠家保修已過期。
98-99%: 完美狀態,原包裝整全,有輕微的使用痕跡
95-97% 極好狀態, 有少許使用痕跡, 原包裝整全, 運作完美
92-94%: 極好狀態,有少許使用痕跡,運作完美
88-91%: 優良狀態,有正常使用痕跡或脫色,運作完美
80-87%: 可接受狀態,有明顯使用痕跡及脱色,在正常情況下無運作問題
In the same period of the introduction of the Summaron, Leitz Midland produced an 1:2 Summicron, which followed the classical double-Gauss pattern too, but added two lens elements. They are often more expensive and the smaller diameter of the rear elements offsets the price differential. In this case, the two additional inner meniscus lenses do not change the basic pattern.
The 8-element design has relatively large front and rear elements, presumably to reduce vignetting. In fact, at full aperture vignetting is 2.5 stops and at aperture 2.8 is 2 stops, about the same as the Summaron.
There is a pronounced tendency to flare at wider apertures over the whole picture area, due to the presence of coma. Close up performance is fair and one needs to stop down for good imagery. The lens is very compact and the balance between size and image quality is evident. Distortion is negligible.
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